Spell-Locker Pure Mesmer Build
Hey guys, i just got the game 2 days ago (never played WPE, or any of those beta things, so my first GW experience was 2 days ago) and after taking several character combos to lvl 5 and doing that academy PvP thing at the start, ive decided taht i definately want Mesmer as my primary coz i love the look, the spells, the crippling and shut-down of enemies and what have you. I like control
Anyho0t, i thought i might take a stab at a build. I don't know if this kind of build has been done before (it prolly has) but i really like the idea of a very specialized, niche, anti-caster build. I wouldnt use it for PvE. Its more specced for PvP in a very organized team and relies on teammates to make up for what i lack and keep me alive (hopefully).
Primary: Mesmer
Secondary: It matters not
Fast Casting: 8
Domination: 12
Inspiration: 10
Spells (Cost, Cast Time, Cooldown)
1. Wastel's Worry (Hex) (5,1,1): After 3 seconds, target foe takes 53 damage. Wastrel's Worry ends prematurely if that foe uses a skill. {Dom}
2. Power Spike (Spell) (10,1,15): If target foe is casting a spell, the spell is interrupted and target foe takes 86 damage. {Dom}
3. Power Leak (Spell) (10,1,20): If target foe is casting a spell, the spell is interrupted and target foe loses 22 energy. {Dom}
4. Power Drain (Spell) (5,1,25): If target foe is casting a spell, the spell is interrupted and you gain 21 energy. {Insp}
5. Power Block (elite) (Spell) (15,1,30): If target foe is casting a spell, that spell is interrupted. The interrupted spell and all spells of the same attribute are disabled for 13 seconds for that foe. This is an elite skill. {Dom}
6. Backfire (Hex) (15,3,20): For 10 seconds, whenever target foe casts a spell, that foe takes 119 damage. {Dom}
7. Chaos Storm (Spell) (15,2,30): Create a chaos storm at target foe's location. For 10 seconds, enemies near this location suffer 12 damage each second. Chaos Storm drains 6 energy whenever it strikes a foe casting a spell. {Dom}
8. Ether Feast (Spell) (5,2,8): Target foe loses 5 energy. You are healed 21 for each point of energy lost. {Insp}
So basically, i wanna interrupt spells. I Have a total of 4 spell interrupts. That gives me a high potential to keep one caster completely shut-down, or (hopefully) to hinder several enemy casters by chain casting interrupts on them one after the other. I took 8 in Fast casting to help me with this as it gives me more reaction time. I like backfire more for its prevention factor than its damage factor (dont get me wrong, id be more than happy if they casted through it). Wastel only last 3 secs so kudos to them if the have the presence of mind to dispell it before it procs. Power Block rocks my world. I can disable a whole school of their magic for 13secs in a game where most ppl focus on just 2 lines? Hell yes! I'll take that with a fries and a coke please.
But yeah, like i said, apart from a few runs through that academy PvP thingo at the start with a a few of my toons (all were at lvl 5 when i did it), i don't have any GW PvP experience, so i dont really know what the deal is. I've made this build from just reading the descriptions. I wanted a niche anti-caster. Most of my spells serve this purpose. I have one heal spell that also drains energy, an AoE with a drain energy component, and Wastel which i would look to combine with Backfire for ultimate shutdown or bonus damage if they cast through it.
Enough with my ramblings, critique pls